Not only about literature, life or some emotional flows and blablabla ;) Today I want to talk about my experience as a copywriter and some rules I worked out for myself while being in this segment of the ads' and website industry.
I've spent 4 years as a freelancer in a copywriting industry, starting from essays for US colleges to printed direct-mail ads and websites' localization and text-development, finishing by promotion splogs and viral texts. And those who only want to start a career of a copywriter should know some obligatory rules following which will bring you success in this field and protect you from finance risk and practical failure. Why do I share this info? Because nobody shared this when I started and some mistakes took away the time for their correction and checking while I could be much more productive. And I think, some guy 20 years old as I was when I started would be interested in getting to know how he could get a really worth-working project in his portfolio instead of spending time for tries and lies.
1. What product are you promoting and are there any legal issues involved in it?
Same principle work everywhere. But be more specific while making decision about the project. You must get as much information about the industry and the product as possible.
2. The variety of mediums that will be used to promote the product.
Copywriting for the essays is one thing, and ad copywriting for the radio or direct-mail is just opposite.
3. Target audience of the product.
Words used for the teenagers don't work for kids; and housewives don't follow the geeks in texts and ads. Remember this.
4. What is the target market for the product and what are the benefits?
You must stress the positive aspects in the targeting while hiding possible doubts with the help of words. Make a positive buzz - this what you have to do.
5. Sampling and availability of the product.
If you can look at the product, words will be focused on this aspect. Otherwise, they should be more of a describing character to attract attention.
6. Product pricing.
Diamonds are the best girl's friends. And McChicken is sold not with the same glory and luxurious image. This is also reflected in the texts as well as in the photos or design.
7. Are there any verifiable testimonials for the customers?
8. Are there any literature or promotional things for the similar products?
9. Time-management, schedule and deadlines.
ASAP is not the term. Tomorrow is not the deadline. Day, date, time - these are the main parameters for the final agreement as well as some unexpected conditions for re-timing the project.
10. Payment amount, conditions and commission in the case of abortion of the project.
Never ever take the project without any commission or financial guarantees, especially when you work with UA or Russian customers. Reputations often means nothing for them, they only try to pay less (especially when you only start your career). Be gentle, but protect your rights and financial interests - that's what you should do.
Hope these key-rules will be helpful for those who only try to reach their first success as a copywriter.
ja,ja, ich mit euch ist einverstanden)))