you think you've tried using all the possibilities of Twitter? it's a big mistake. lots of services and abilities still can be used in everyday practice.
Tweepler - an easy, more enjoyable way of processing your New Twitter Followers. View a list of New Followers and classify them in one of two "Buckets" Follow (meaning you wish to follow them back) and Ignore (meaning you don't wish to follow them and want to archive them out of the way, reducing clutter.
Tweetsum - TweetSum does one thing and does it well: shows you at a glance who’s following you, gives you the tools you need to decide whether you should follow them back or not, and lets you quickly add or dismiss your new followers
Twitoria - How many friends are you really following? Twitoria finds your friends that haven't tweeted in a long time so you can give them the boot.
Nest.Unclutteer - The Nest Unclutterer allows you to review a list of accounts that meet your user-specified criteria before any blocking or unfollowing occurs. At that point you may add additional accounts to the whitelist before any actions are performed.
FriendOrFollow - Who are you following that's not following you back? Who's following you that you're not following back? Find out.
Your Twitter Karma - it’s a Flash application that fetches your friends and followers from Twitter when you click the “Whack!” button, then displays them for you, letting you quickly paginate through them. By default, the list contains all your friends and followers and is sorted by last update, showing those who most recently updated first. You can sort the list alphabetically either ascending or descending by Twitter ID. You can filter the list in several ways: only friends or only followers, all friends or all followers, and mutual friends.
Tweetcloud - the best and the most effective way to find out what are the hottest topics, discussions and the most mentioned names, brands, users, locations etc. on Twitter.
Twinfluence - twInfluence is a simple tool for measuring the combined influence of twitterers and their followers, with a few social network statistics thrown in as bonus.
TwitterHawk - TwitterHawk is a real time targeted marketing engine that will find people talking on twitter now by your chosen topic and location, allowing you to really hit your target mid conversation with ease.
TweetName - Use Twitter to send a direct message to "tweetname" with the domain you want. The reply will be "Success!" or "D'oh." And only $11.95 for a domain in .com, .net, .org, .us
Twitter Fiction - the first example of the microblog-book made online. Twitter Fiction is very simple - it's 140 characters of microfiction posted to
Monitter - It's a twitter monitor, it lets you "monitter" the twitter world for a set of keywords and watch what people are saying. But this can be used as a good targeting tool by bloggers and marketing specialists.
Twittermap API - the new way for geolocation and determining geo-targets via Twitter.
and finally - visit TwitterApps for a huge collection of apps for your Twitter-account which let you to collect, spread and analyse the huge variety of trends, information and marketing objectives.
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