Apr 26, 2009
Britain's Got Talent is better than Ukrainian one
Before I've watched some moments fro "Britain's Got Talent" I thought it's in Ukrainian version of the show everything is so sad ;) I see I was wrong ;)))
Though while watching "Україна має талант" (UA-version of this show) I realize that there are lots of freaks and self-loved idiots (sorry, but it's true) whom the judges of Ukrainian show let to go through the selection-tour period into the second part of the show. I don't think it's right; for years we stimulate not talents but weirds. Up to this day I liked only the girl who danced Eastern dance in the first or second selection and the girl who drew with sand on the glass-table, that was awesome. And besides the UA-version has got a bad side in not showing us most of really good participants and showing losers instead. Maybe, that's the way how they get ready for the second stage of the show, I don't know.
But in the UK show they've also got real talents. Take a look:
And what REALLY stroke me down, was REALLY IMPRESSIVE AND GREAT is the performance of Susan Boyle. This video can't be pasted with embed-code, but just watch it via YouTube to see that Ukrainian version of the show "sucks" (is you've seen one). Hope Susan Boyle will make a sensation by winning "B.G.T." this year in The UK. She's great as for casual woman-in-years. And by the way - it's stupid to put full video-version without episodes as Ukrainian STB-channel do: nobody will download more than 220 Mb of video-content to "just watch" it. Don't like our project, sorry :)
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девочки жгут :) Сьюзан надоела уже :-)