As you remember, I've changed the language of my blog as well as reorganized some widgets and topics in it. And this was the reason why some my readers criticize me for caring too much about the aspect of bounce rate, number of visitors and page rank instead of some "own-satisfactory" options and the ability to make blog "just for yourself but not for the readers". I've heard such thoughts even before, when I was told there is "less me" in a blog that is not full of stories of love, passion and soapy flows of emotional blablabla. If there is lack of such stories, than it's not "real me". Smile. This is the 300d post in my blog and I'll tell you a little bit more not about the whole story of this blog and its evolution, but I'll tell you as well why I really care for the level of visits and some sort of popularity. Just sit and read.
This blog was started in June 2008 as a result of my previous blog ideological crash, I mean - all the emotions and thoughts I expressed in the old blog (nicked as uabloggerman) turned out to be aimed on a waste of time and emotions; too much amount of it was a personal thing, too personal and too non-adequate to continue it that way. So I deleted that old blog and made a new one. This one. Its name was "By My Eyes: взгляни на мир моими глазами". Then it was changed in "Everybody lies (c): думки вголос" because I liked House M.D.'s conception about the fact that all the people lie at least a little bit, and the second part reflected the style of this blog - thoughts aloud written as a blog. I started blogging when I was emotionally collapsed and I needed a space for self-reflection, for emotional expression and for self-analyzing. I cared less for "being read or seen", I cared for the answer why certain things in my life happened then and what and whom I should trust or understand. Self-therapy? Maybe. Experts say this helps; and it really helped in finding some answers, perspectives and even hobbies and career objectives.
While living through that emotional and sometimes depressed period I've written many stories and essays in this blog, devoted to love, passion, hate, soapy romantic reality, dreams, hopes or people how I'd like to see them, their relationships and believes. But "sober-period" was over as well as such stories or emotional essays for the casual days of city-life. Some of my new or old readers liked them or like even now, but what should I do? Stick up to this and make a diary-of-soul? Only because you claim this is "more like me'? I don't think so. This is not "more like real me", I'll tell you some facts about me. Those who remembered me as complaining guy or romantic warm-hearted person - this is a mistake, made by some half-a-year period of my life and some health troubles. You see what you want to see, I look at the mirror and see the best friend of mine ;))
I love rock as well as hh & rnb; I can be irritated or bored if people behave as jerks; I don't know what the real love is even if I described it so good and with passion; I'm a little bit geek; I adore technologies, netbooks & PC, web 2.0 and PR through online communications; I like getting new information and new knowledge almost 24/7 all the year round, and even while going to sleep I sometimes have some interesting ideas about how this or that can be used for promotion, for communication, for planning, for time-management etc. I don't believe that people change radically and that love like in American romantic films exist in real life. I have a good imagination and passion for people; maybe that's the reason why I create such good stories about emotional or unusual life. But this is only an image; this is even not a part of real me. I hate reading emotionally mixed stuff in blogs all the week as well as producing it myself. Should I say that this blog will be less "romantic"? I can't promise you a "fully lifehack or web 2.0-PR blog" as well as I can't guarantee that in a day or two I'll come back to the love-stories and emotionally colored city-essays. This blog is list of keynotes, including all the facts, trends, emotions, people and photos I'd like to remember and to have 'just-by-the-hand". Love it or hate it - I don't care as much. I care for life I live and I see. Hope you care for your life as well.
But I care for the readers and for the trends. I care for actual or hot topics: don't you like to be the first in some area? I like it sometimes ;) I care for making an interesting list of links, gadgets or software products, because this is my hobby. I care for the readers' number and staying in touch with my friends and constant followers because I can. I can tell something to the world, and someone is interested in what I'm telling. What I'm really interested in is getting some good effect from my hobby and from my qualification. That's is the reason why I'm still blogging and hope will continue doing it. If I can do this better and control the process - I'll do it.
This blog changes by showing different aspect of my life and my nature. And if you continue reading it - this is the main fact for me that this can be interesting. Life is an interesting thing, and I hope I can tell you much more interesting about it. And thanks for the following, I appreciate this much.
Have a good night and only good thoughts and plans for tomorrow ;)
Самое большое вдохновение кстати приходит не только в момент депресии а также после различных потрясений.
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спасибо за отклик и пожелания :)