As previous UA-publication about Ksenia Symonova and her participation in the contest "Ukraine's Got Talent" seemed to be interesting for lots of my readers and visitors, I've thought it would be interesting for my US, EU and English-speaking readers, Twitter-followers and visitors as well.
So who is this woman who surprised Ukrainians so much during all the parts and in the Semifinal of "Ukraine's Got Talent"? Her name is Ksenia Symonova (aka Xenia Symonoff or "xensand" on YouTube; in Russian her name is "Ксения Симонова" and "Ксенія Симонова" in Ukrainian). She's from South of Ukraine, she's a loving mother of a little kid, a beloved wife and an ordinary woman from Ukraine, but not ordinary one - she's got real talent for an unusual kind of art.
As Ksenia says herself, the one and only inspiration for her were the videos watched via Web while she was pregnant. Her husband showed her a couple of videos devoted to sand-animation and sand-art, and Ksenia decided to try.
The first casting in the "Ukraine's Got Talent" show she passed with a previously prepared animation called "Circus", making of which was prepared by a week. But after she passed to semi-final, Ksenia said she still improvized as she was a little bit nervous for passing the contest. She looks very happy and open-minded; and this is the main reason why she looks really talented as she performs: she doesn't consider herself a genius and this is what I personally like about her. She can be considered a kind of "Ukrainian Susan Boyle" as she is common woman who's got a non-common talent. She can be a real surprise and inspiration not only for Ukraine, but for the whole Europe and the world. Her videoblog and talented animation can show the world the new aspect of art and inspire people for some serious thoughts and new tries for new opportunities.
Her performance in the Semi-final of "Ukraine's Got Talent" at Friday night this week on the STB Channel really amazed people and even made the judges of the contest cry with really sincere tears (this happened for the first time at the whole period of this TV-project). This performance was devoted to the love-story and the World War II and maybe this was the reason why everyone felt the passion and tears in the eyes... This was something that nobody could expect:
Social effect of this stunning performance is obvious: yesterday I've seen dozen of kids in the hood trying to draw with sand on the road and on the parts of the broken window-glass laying on the ground. Just sand, neither chalks nor painter colors. If children try to repeat, then this is the real art, because children never follow lies or fake, they follow the sincere feelings, the things which amazed them previous evening on the TV.
Ksenia Symonova can be a Ukrainian phenomenon of the new kind of art, a person who inspires and gives an example of positive energy for people in the time when all these talks about crisis, political and economical troubles overwhelmed TV-channels and minds of common people. Not only kids can follow this positive example, but adults as well. Ksenia showed us that even a usual person can be talented, and this happens not in the UK or in the far-away USA, but just right here, next to us. And I hope that she and her amazing talent will take the first prize of "Ukraine's Got Talent", because she deserves it, really.
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cannot get what is so special about it? thousands of really talented painters are nowhere and no one is appreciating their work, but this one became famous, even infamous! Unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteheh, my personal life-criticist is here, welcome back! )))
ReplyDeletethousands of painters try, one reaches - law of life as usual.
PS offtop: I remember about Linux howto, soon it'll be there ;)
ReplyDeleteWhy are you so bitter? Life is a lottery. I think it's wonderful when an ordinary person with a talent gets some recognition. Be happy for her, even if you don't think that she is a 'really talented painter'. Lots of very talented artists were not recognized as such in their lifetimes... It is what it is. Believe it!
Final was as awesome as semifinal: just watch this