Jul 5, 2009

best posts about Web 2.0 media & SMM-tools starting July

The best way for receieving an interesting info is to subscribe for the blogs and 2.0 news-sites as I found out myself. Today I'd like to share the most interesting posts from my RSS-subscribes via Google reader in the category "Social media, marketing and 2.0 tools".

Anton Popov has written two posts about Panasonic's Twitter activity and 90+ companies on Twitter.

Elena Delas tells us about Foreverism as a trend and CNN failure vs. Twitter in situation with M.Jackson's death.

Mashable Blog asks whether Obama has passed the SM test and proves the reason why the answer "Yes he can" is the right one.

Yuri Gladkih in New Age Branding thinks over the Generation O and the main SM-values of this new type of generation.

Brian Solis in PR 2.0 Blog writes about Twitter Trademarks tweets and main tendencies.

Kristen E. Sukalac in PR Conversations tells us about the main lessons for SM and Twitter-use in the situation around elections in Iran

You can change the definition of "everyone" and customize it for your industry or passion, but the fact is, we need to read what everyone else is reading in order to have a sense of being in sync
- that's what Seth Godin tells us in his latest blog post.

Maksym Savanevsky writes in Ukrainian Watcher about Russians who spend the most time in SM-networks.

Have to share more? You can do it in the comments to this post or tweet this via your profile.

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