Some part of my day was devoted to reading dozens of RSS-streams via Feedly plugin; this an awesome way to get an info about all the blogs or e-zines and newspapers I read or follow with Google Reader. Sharing and reading is fast enough; sometimes I even think my followers via Twitter kinda hate me for being such a "shareholic" person. Hope they also can find something useful in all these posts and articles.
I found myself a bit hard to concentrate and saty focused on the things I'm doing. Maybe, it was a rainy spring that made me such a lazy self-disordered one or maybe there are internal reasons: I don't know exactly the reason. But "I'm working on it" (c)
Pic of the day:
Not much to tell about, really, about the first day of summer. As well as no photo of the day for today: I don't go outside, got lot of to be written today to follow the deadline. And my working place is not a big deal to be shown. But I've found some of my artwork tries made almost a year ago. This is Katya, a fitness & dance coach from Kiyv.
This summer I'm going to re-start my tries with Genius G-Pen and handsketching as well.
Album of the day: M.I.A.
M.I.A. Takes to the Streets
The Sri Lankan rap star goes on a two-day photo shoot in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Slideshow in NYT
Watching this photoset in NY Times reminded me not only of M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes", but also "20 Dollar" track and.. oops! and I found that I don't know exactly some more songs of hers. That was the reason why I listened to MIA all the day via Freelast radio (that's an app based on Last-FM on, free of charge for usage and a god one for making a streaming radio of a certain singer, band or a genre). So today I recommend you not an album, but the whole thing - MIA is what you need for urban rest, traffic jams and hanging around in summer. Listen to her loudly, carefully or freak-minded - this doesn't matter much. What matters is her style, manner and the whole sound, filled with special energy (maybe, this is what the word "swagga" is about) . Liked her songs very much. A video for you, those who doubt MIA is worth listening to:Movie of the day: Watchmen (2009)
This is not only a good fantastic movie with wow-effects and slow-motion camera (though they are included as well). The story of alternate reality, where 1985 is a year of cold war and Doom's Day clock is started, and atomic bombs of US vs. USSR and back are aimed on target if mixed with heroes from comic books, diabolic blue Dr. Manhatten and monologues of Rorshach plus sex scenes, blood, fights and epic phylosophic dialogs about war, life and society (don't expected? you'll like it). The great bonus is an amazing soundtrack (I even got a feeling that I'd download it for a separate listening). The only recommendation is to watch the director's cut version. In Ukrainian translation it sounds good (check for a one). Good movie as a sci-fi, and don't listen to those who critisized it: you should watch it yourself to make a true own opinion about it.

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