Today I've read a good post of Denis Dovgopoly about trends of current web & transformation of services as a push-forward factor for startups. And this is the point: there are lots of ideas in a low-cost segment even based on lack of innovations. E.g., in Vinnitsky region lots of villages have a poor Internet-service coverage, but a wide-covered network of one of the national-wide GSM-operators. SMS & MMS - and the core for a service or communication platform is here. Only connect a traditional technology with a target audience - and a low-cost effectiveness will be here. Plenty of opportunities, though it looks a little bit weird and sounds strange if taking into account the economic and political reality of Ukraine. Yet this article make me think that we all miss something while following only innovations. The traditional communications in a mix with human passion for ideas and low-cost philosophy can be a basement for a business-idea and model. Rising an idea on the common things and giving a new meaning - that is the thing we all lack the most. Sorry for non-personal and business-aimed tone, but this week is under the "B2C" sign :)
Movie of the day: "Evening" (2007)
A story of the lost past love and life hidden from others for the whole life. Ann Grant is dying and this old woman tries to tell her story and her hidden pain and sorrow to her daughters while they are in conflict with their men, with the world and with each other. Should they follow her story or fix their own life first? - this is the key of the plot. 50 years of the past that can be the key for something new, for forgiveness and reality. Now watching the second part of it (it lasts for 2 hours, I started watching yesterday late at night), I'd like to recommend it to you. If you like stories in a "family-saga" style - this is the movie for you as well.
Album of the day: all albums of Myslovitz
This band from Poland are something different and rather familiar, maybe this can be named a mix of Sigur Ros and The Brainstorm in one warm tea-cup with Poland as a sugar. Good lyrics (I understand "Polska" a little) and a sound with a shoegazing guitars and soft vocals mixed with a power and passion in some songs - that is Myslovitz. I'm not a LastFM to describe their bio and key facts - look, read and listen yourself. But they sound like a good car-music or a sound for a walk in a big-big headphones when city in the warm summer night is blazing and lightening up with street lights and traffic jams. You'll love 'em and will start learning "Polska", you'll see ;) Especially this track (I've listened to it 5 times in "repeat" mode)

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