Jul 30, 2009

MP3 Vacations: Kina Grannis

This is one of the cases when I'd like to recommend a person whose songs and music I like so much though still got only 2 or 3 songs downloaded from occasional sites like Vkontakte.ru or somewhere else, but not bought or found anywhere else. Of course, you can buy her albums with songs and covers via iTunes. She's from USA, she's young, smart and she sings awesome. Someone can call this indie-pop, someone calls this just lyrical pop-music. And this is Kina Grannis with awesome sound, voice and passions for both her own songs and covers of the famous hits. She's also an author of famous DIGG Anthem "Gotta Digg" and a true video-blogger - musician. So watch, listen and enjoy ;) This name is not known in Ukraine, so I hope most of my readers and followers will like her songs and passion for what she's doing.

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