Social media is a new way for getting followers, supporters and readers, customers, partners and fans. But how the SM-tools and services can "play" in the political "game"? SM-platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Flickr or LinkedIn, Facebook and "play" good enough in the B2B and B2C. Should the Ukrainian politicians use these tools in their campaign? The answer is YES. Do they or their PR-men know how to do this? The answer is NO.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk and his informational campaign is lost in social media for this period, and I as a voter can't see now the way of re-loading this fail for the success. The scandalous story about Twitter and LJ accounts of fake-Yatsenyk as well as total mash-up with social networks like Nafrontizmin and other such weak and ridiculous initiatives lead to the rating's loss more than to the growth of popularity.
Inna Bogoslovska looks funny with her mistakes in YouTube video and her tries to use Twitter as a platform by following up everyone whose possilble to be followed-up and making her Twitter-feed an example of boring and lifeless proclamations without any passion (this looks more like a chat-bot than a human being).
These examples both show that PR-men of UA-political leaders still don't realize that it's not enough to organize the campaign in a "like-Obama-did" style. Ukraine is not the US as for the level of SM-use and level of computer-use in the regions. Our country is not ready for a nation-wide informational buzz-up. And as for the most intellectual and the most SM-addicted part of the society like real PR-specialists, marketers, bloggers, journalists, SM-consultants and startup-CEOs - these weak ridiculous tries of UA politicians to be "just-like-common-world-politicians" look stupid and annoying. Our politicians neither know nor understand for what purpose, how and why they should use the new media like Twitter. And that's the main reason why they are not ready for the real use of Twitter, even with the help of their PR-chiefs.
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