It's a good old tradition to provide email-campaigns for promotion or for getting feedback from the customers (especially after the trial period finishes up). But most of such emails are not the basement for successful DM-campaign and effective feedback: they just are classified as spam and deleted or blocked. In my opinion, nowadays a campaign based on SM-integrated emails can be the only possible variant for effective feedback and for involving new customers.
If you make an email which includes links to microsites, social media services or popular SM-platforms and sites such as you profile on LinkedIn, Twitter account, corporate blog or YouTube channel, you rise the interest. If you just give an email full of info and without any informational spread and "tail" which leads to your SM-tool, you just spend the customer's time. Email-campaign looks traditionally good, but without strong integration with modern social media (SM) and power of SM-marketing it looks rather like irritating spam-spam-spam-attack than a proposition. Follow the customer: if the customer widely uses Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and, is there any reason why not to involve such a customer into your "game" played with the whole abilities and viral information provided by these SM-platforms? If you do not create profiles and accounts for your personal brand or your business in SM-platforms then why are you still surprised that your emails are blocked? Your emails have no social-media aiming and these emails do not "integrate"; they just attack or propose without any mobility and 2.0-like freedom of information. So, I think (as a customer who sometimes gets dozens of such email-subscription "attacks" per day), the future model for a god and professional email campaign is social-media aiming and integration of the traditional email with links to SM-tools and microsites which you use as well as your customers do.
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