Aug 2, 2009

Is church a new media for political campaign in Ukraine?

Political campaign has started in Ukraine. It's obvious enough. Not because of sudden interest of the governing politics to the Gongadze's murderers and the new stage of this political game with no final point. It's obvious because of the new media which is envolved in the game by some political parties as a platform for spreading the mix of religion and political propaganda. Church comes on the first place as a way of rising and uniting supporters for those political forces and parties which are interested in the so-called "Eastern christianity" rised by Moscow and its church hierarchy ("pravoslavie").

Only blind can't see the true reason and aspects for the visit of the Russian's church header Kirill in Ukraine. He speaks and behaves almost like Putin-2; he spreads the ideology of "brotherhood between 2 nations" (I'd like to say "tribes" because all the argumentation and support for such a view-point is provided by trying to resurrect the old-old times and - no matter how ridiculous this looks - to aim the propaganda pf these ideas basing on history of Kyivska Rus'). And besides - at least 2 of the UA-wide TV-channels demonstrate the real rising of religious propaganda via films, talk-shows and live-TVcasts with enourmously religious base. Besides, the new wave of "miracles" covered Ukraine in several regions simultaneously, giving the reason for wide discussion and rising of passion of the weak-minded as well as religiously-dependent people for the topic of church union and support of one of the politicians who is going to fight for the President's place during the elections in January'2010. Political ambitions and the new technology make their way in this aspect. Church can be used as a powerful offline media for propaganda and viral rising of supporters by at least 2 political parties. If this is really so, then in autumn we will see the new model of elections' media and the new way of PR, where a name of God can be the grouping factor for the political supporters and followers of any political ideology.

1 comment:

  1. Насправді втручання у життя країни для церкви - гігантська спокуса втратити те, заради чого вона, власне була створена - життя у дусі любові до всіх і кожного та мир
