Nov 7, 2009

MediaCamp Kyiv: boost for new media trends & self-identification for UAnet

MediaCamp Kyiv 2009 is a new UA conference devoted to both traditional and online media, which aim is to focus attention on the key trends & changes on the Ukrainian media-market while Internet in Ukraine grows rapidly and form the trend of mass media migration into digital formats.

  • November 7th, 2009. up to 250 professionals invited
  • Journalists, bloggers, media managers, PR-experts,
  • publishers, geeks
  • Barcamp-style
  • Experts and observers as key speakers
  • Ideology and trends of modern web-advertising,
  • context, search, news, media business, informational spread

MediaCamp Kyiv-2009 can be named a good boost for generating opinions, trends and tools of UAnet for its further development as well as growth of community-aimed tools for generating content and organizing outstanding webcasts which still are rather rare for Ukrainian common practice. When 250-350 conversationalists, marketers, bloggers, PR-experts and journalists are gathered in the same place - this can make a good example of an interesting event: both for online and offline watchers and participants.

This made me (being an online watcher of the whole conference) to compose a short slideshow-case about an ability to make a community-inspired webcast of almost any event, basing on the MediaCamp Kyiv experience. What we've seen today, can be used as a model for tomorrow.

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